Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Where Have The Days Gone

I can't believe that it has been almost a week since I have posted. My days have just kind of vanished into thin air. I have been busy and trying to do better with getting some sleep. Although, that hasn't been going too great.

My mom was up this weekend for a quick visit. I had to chauffuer her on Saturday to a function in Charlotte. She does not like to drive after dark, and has a very bad time with the glare from lights and all that. So that was nice - just mom and I for 6 hours in the car (three each way).

I started painting this weekend, the entry and family room areas. We decided to paint over the really dark, dark stained molding and doors in these areas and then paint more neutral colors. What a difference! Part of it is just having clean walls. But, I didn't realize how shut in the dark crown molding made the house feel. There is still a lot of painting to be done, I still need to do the kitchen - what a pain!!

I have been alternating my time between painting and working on my work project. That is going slowly, but at least it is going. I am about 24 hours behind right now in my schedule. But that is okay as I planned in some extra time, just in case.

Mom helped me out with trying to do these two projects by taking K home with her. So, K is having her extra, special mamaw time. We are very blessed to have family and grandparents that are so involved in our lives. My mom takes one or the other of the older girls several times a year. She will take EM too in about a year or so. My MIL has been awesome these last few weeks in coming over and being with the girls so I can go do this or that. Today she is coming to pick-up MB and EM so I can have uninterrupted paint time.

The more interesting news on the house front is that it is looking more likely that we will not move right now. It has been a quandry going back and forth since we started looking at houses. We just honestly don't like our options out there right now. Nothing has really compared to our existing house and the location we have. Even though the houses are generally larger in overall sq. footage, they don't feel as large and everything is cramped up. The locations for both Randy and I would require more driving on our parts. It just doesn't feel right.

But, we are going to continue with fixing our house up and doing some of the things I have been wanting to do all along. I am painting and it is looking wonderful! The things we have boxed up, except the books will remain boxed up for the time being until we make a decision whether or not we need it anymore. I am sure in a year or so Goodwill will be receiving a rather large household goods donation from us.

We are not going to stop looking out there, and we are not going to settle for only okay. The next house we move into will probably be our long time house and we want it to be something we really like.

I better go try and get somethings done before the girls wake up. We have to go to the museum today and then painting all afternoon!



1 comment:

  1. Glad to read your update! Business is better then boredom but I'd take a break any time I could get one! Even if it's painting! Have fun. My parents painted the paneling in their old house and what a difference it made - like night and day. You will love it. Good luck!
