Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lets talk about the good stuff

Like I needed more 'stress' right now - my cluster headaches have come back after a seven year break. Childbirth has nothing on the agony of these little monsters - but at least the feeling of wanting to kill yourself from the pain only lasts 30 minutes. It just means another hour I am up every other night. So, to prevent myself from falling into a pity party lets look at the good stuff.

Curled up in the smallest chair in the family room with all four children nestled on and around you during 'quiet' time. Being able to sleep in this position while they watch a DVD.

Junior is up to 4lbs 13oz. He should be 5lbs by his appointment on Friday. I will be able to add in more nursings and reduce some of the pumpings.

My dad took the MB & K to the State Fair on Sunday. They had a blast and got to ride all the rides that I can't take them on. (Unreasonable fear of heights)

MB being a huge help around the house and with Junior. I actually got the Family Room cleaned and organized this weekend.

Realized that Junior is happiest being in the Family Room with us during the day - no matter how loud and chaotic - he actually is sleeping better. He should fit right in and no tipping toeing/whispering necessary during his nap times (like that would happen around here).

So, I won't say I can't complain - because I always can. But, everyday there are joys and discoveries that somehow always seem to outshine the tears and pain. So, today, while I recoup from a very sleepless night, I will try to think about those. I will try to give each of my children something special from me today. And - I think I will scrub out the tub and give myself a bubble bath tonight.



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A family of six living and learning. You might catch us outside in the mud or working on crafts. We always seem to be on the go, come on and join us.