Monday, November 07, 2005


Has anyone else been out to see the fireballs in the sky?

No, the world is not being invaded by aliens - it is part of the Taurid Meteor Shower.

Last night, after hearing about it on the local news I headed outside and laid out in my neighbor's front yard. (We have trees, she doesn't) I laid there for 20 minutes just exploring God's majesty and talking with Him. Meditating on all the things going on right now and just trying to find my way again. It was really a wonderful time. I used to love to just go outside at night and watch the sky when I was younger, it would really make me feel connected. I hadn't realized what I had lost by not doing this very often.

It would have been wonderful no matter what, but at the end I was awarded with a golden-red streak right out of the constellation Taurus that ended with a visible explosion.

And in other exciting news - we received and moved a 20+ yr old swing set from a neighbor's yard. We have set it up and are refurbishing it for the girls. The price was right - a few new bolts and nuts and some Rust-o-Leum Spray Paint. It will be so nice to have something that the girls can go out and expend some energy on. We used to have a trampoline but it finally bit the dust, and to be honest, except for MB practicing some of her gymnastics it had become 'boring' to the girls.




J-Lynn said...

How neat that you got to see them! And that you had such a great 1-on-1 with the Lord! :-)

Anonymous said...

I always miss those meterological events!! How do you find out about them?

Amy said...


I hear about this one by chance. I was flipping through the tv Sunday morning and the weekend weatherperson on WRAL was talking about them. So I researched it on the internet. The fact that I was actually able to see one of the meteors - amazing!

Thanks for stopping by - I lost a lot of my saved favorite sites recently, including yours.


Dy said...

Wow, I'm impressed that you can find Taurus. The best I can do is Plaedies (I know, I spelled that wrong) and Orion. You rock!

A family of six living and learning. You might catch us outside in the mud or working on crafts. We always seem to be on the go, come on and join us.