Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sigh of Relief

Wednesday was the day of the water heater. Today, the day of the air conditioning. After a long trip out to several stores for groceries and then bringing everything inside, I decided I deserved a couple of hours of air conditioning. I go over to our thermostat, press a few buttons and wait for the click and then whirr of the unit. And I wait, and wait... . Then I repress the buttons and give a good whack on the thermostat for good measure. Nothing!!!

No - this can't be happening to us. Not right now. Everything worked a month ago during the home inspection!

I call dh at work to make sure that isn't some hidden switch I don't know about after living 8 years in the house. Nope. He will look at it when he gets home.

I sweat, the girls sweat. We spend the afternoon laying still under the ceiling fan. It is 91 degrees and humid. Finally time to leave for gymnastics, I am actually excited - it is air conditioned.

Dh comes home from work. He performs the same functions I did - same results. He is actually able to get the unit off the wall and look at the computer board. A short has occured on the thermostat!

Thankfully it wasn't the air unit!!!! We can replace the thermostat tomorrow, and it is supposed to cool back down for the next five days - so no rush anymore.

Peace and Cool thoughts,


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