Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rest, Water, Rest

I have come to the belief that false labor is a huge misnomer. It is not false, it is not painless and having actually had the complications of pre-term labor - twice and premature rupture - once, it is mentally exhausting. I generally get to the 34 week mark before it hits, but hey my uterus is primed and ready - it knows what to do at this point. So here I sit, at 32 weeks, and it has started. Thankfully I've been here. I am not freaking out as much as I did with the first two, but it is still literally a big pain.

Every afternoon around 3-4pm it starts, and I know it is because I have been going all day - even though I am trying very hard to get off my feet every 30 minutes or so. I drink enough water that I could rise the Titanic and basically have to 'go' after each "contraction." My main goal at this point is to get everyone to 7pm alive and to try to get some form of food on the table. Once those two goals are met I try very hard to move to a nest on either the sofa or the bed and just generally keep an eye on things.

We are spending much more time reading together, since there really isn't anything else to occupy my time in the evening. K has fallen in love with Robert McCloskey's Make Way For Ducklings and I have just about memorized that story. MB and I are reading through How To Eat Fried Worms because she wants to go see the movie and I told her we had to read the book first. Since it is above her reading level, she helps me while I do most of the reading. But, for every chapter I read she has to read me a chapter out of one of her library books. We made a 'pinky promise' and everything, so that is going well.

Other entertainment around our house this week has been an $8 electricity science kit I picked up. Give MB a couple batteries, some wires, a few alligator clips, a small light bulb and buzzer and she will entertain herself for hours. OOOh what cheap Christmas presents I could devise. She and K are even working on a plan to build a mega block castle and have lights and doorbells.

We also have a new caterpillar, I have never seen one these colors and need to look it up. K has decided that this is her caterpillar and is using all of her 'maternal' instincts in the care of it. I just have to be careful that she doesn't 'maternal' it to death.

So that covers reading and some science. Math is progressing - for both. I am thinking more and more of just selling the Saxon stuff I picked up earlier this summer. MB really likes her Horizons workbooks over the Saxon stuff - and shoot her 1st grade Book 2 is more challenging than what we have covered in Level 3 so far. Latin is moving slowly, I think it will pick up some speed as we all get more used to it. She still seems excited by it, but can only absorb and do so much in one day. We now only have two more planets to study in the Solar System, thanks to the Astronomers High-Council (or whatever it is called), before we move into Earth Science for the whole next year. History-wise the Mesoamerican study is about as interesting to MB as any history has been so far, which isn't saying a lot.

K and I have settled into a routine of doing Rightstart Math 3 days a week and TOPGTR 4 days a week. So, far she is breezing through and I definetly feel like I am getting that look: "mom, why are you asking me all these stupid questions?" But, I am learning with MB not take anything for granted - so we are moving through each and every lesson - even if it only takes us 5 minutes.

Okay, enough rambling. Em is awake and wanting breakfast.



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A family of six living and learning. You might catch us outside in the mud or working on crafts. We always seem to be on the go, come on and join us.