Monday, April 03, 2006

Packing 101

Today I have begun our adventure in packing. We have basically a month, with Easter and family visit thrown in for good measure. I do not feel crunched with the time, but also don't want to find myself procrastinating down to the last minute, either.

So, today I started by packing up all the girls' winter clothes. I figure after the thunderstorms last night and this morning I can go ahead and figure that Spring has sprung. This led us over to the in-laws house to pick up the Spring/Summer clothes that have been in storage over there. So, what I have accomplished in packing has been made null & void by the scattering of clothes across the floor while I figure out who can wear what this year.

In between Em's teething induced screaming episodes (in which cuddling said screaming child is the only affective treatment), I have managed to pack my few remaining books that are not in storage. I know I can go ahead and pack up my pottery and pictures that I had left for decorating purposes. But, after that I am at a loss at how to proceed with packing for the next month.

How many toys do I leave out and available?

How early is too early to eat off paper plates?

I look around and see all this stuff that has to be "last minute" packing, and that is just scary. So, for those of you who have moved with children before how early did you begin packing away stuff?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well...this is my "day before moving" day and I really should be packing but I'm resting at the computer looking at the vast amount of things still to be done. AHHHH!!
I packed away stacks in my mum's shed before we put the house on the market..out of season stuff, stuff we rarely use, toys the boys don't use on a fairly regular basis etc.
Once we sold the house I started packing books as we have sooooo many and only left one basket of books for the kids and a handful of books to amuse hubby and I. I packed up most of the linen leaving only one set for each person to use and one spare (I used linens for packing breakables...bubble wrapped first if precious, then towels for extra padding. Then I attacked the kitchen and only left out the bare essentials (a dish each, a cup each, cutlery, that sort of thing).
We didn't start the paper plate thing until today...all kitchen stuff is going in a box today and we're having left overs in takeaway dishes that can be thrown out. So essentially everything is being thrown into last minute boxes yesterday and today.
As for toys, I left out my boys big box of duplo, thomas trains, matchbox cars, construction straws, and some scissors, glue, paper and markers. They've been perfectly happily with just these for well over two months now. Today however these were sealed and the boys just don't know what to do with they are "helping" me...not sure if that MY definition of what they are doing!!
Good luck with it. It'll slowly start to come together...I'm telling myself this still as I still can't quite see the light at the end of the tunnel...especially since I'm still sitting at this computer just looking at what needs to be done. Better go. Hope this helps.

A family of six living and learning. You might catch us outside in the mud or working on crafts. We always seem to be on the go, come on and join us.