Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday MIdday

The title says it all. Today is MONDAY.

MB is struggling with her focus today, so reading took three times longer than normal with three times more mistakes and frustatrated outbursts.

We started the new math book, of course today was all review, so she tried to hijjack the topic into a discussion on infinity and what exactly is the number infinity, at what point is inifinity defined. At some point I just had to say, "Ohhhh, just fill in your 0-10 number line"

Her writing practice was on the white board, so when she became bored with what I was doing - saying sounds and she had to write the corresponding letter, she decided to write her own story. Excellent!

We read our history reading, but then I had to read Osiris again. She seems slightly obsessed with the whole brother killing thing, should I be a little worried?

Everything else has been a struggle. If I can get us all moving in the same direction, I hope to head over the the home improvement store an pick up some yard things. Then I will put the fussy, fighting girls to work with some hard labor this afternoon.

By the way some of my motivation returned. I stayed up until mid-night cleaning the kitchen/dining/family room. It looked great until 8:30 this morning!



1 comment:

Jen said...

Maybe she is interested in Osiris because she can't imagine ever wanting to kill a sibling? :)

A family of six living and learning. You might catch us outside in the mud or working on crafts. We always seem to be on the go, come on and join us.