Saturday, July 30, 2005

Saturday filler

I have gotten the last of my current project finished and after one final proofing check sometime tomorrow when I might have a chance for a little quiet, I will email that one out and have a couple of days off before the next one. Just enough time for me to hit the stores and find new suitcase for MB. I have realized that clothes for MB for nearly two weeks, and all other traveling stuff will not fit into her child-sized rolling suitcase. I will also spend the time getting her packed and organized, and of course washing her favorite clothes for the trip. Two weeks, as far across the continental US as she can go. I believe it is just starting to hit me what a big deal this is. We have been so busy this summer that it just has not seemed real, but now it does. I know that she will be as safe with my mom as she would with me but it is scary putting a little girl like that on an airplane without me. It was only last summer that she went out of town without me, and that was only 3 hours away.

Tomorrow evening I have the last session of my bible study. I have to say that I really enjoyed the research, and when I could actually concentrate on it the creation of the presentation. The part I have really not enjoyed has been the very lackluster attendance. I did not have very high expectations as I was asked to do this in the middle of the summer, but last week there were 2 attendees besides myself. It made it really hard this week for me to actually gear-up and spend any amount of time preparing. The good thing is that those who attended said that they liked it and learned something, and I think if that is the case I have been successful. I would do it again, just not right away. Too many irons in the fire between now and Christmas.

I really have ideas for blogs about personal choices and another on intimacy of blogs, but have been way too scattered brain to put anything together. Maybe later this week once I don't have to think about the bible study anymore and will have more time without my spirited child home. And to those who might have dirty or dingy minds and are going "mhhm, that sounds, well interesting." Don't get too excited.



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A family of six living and learning. You might catch us outside in the mud or working on crafts. We always seem to be on the go, come on and join us.